The Opportunity
The Tax Problem Resolution Industry is booming!
Since 2000, the number of Federal Tax Liens filed has more than doubled. Adding IRS Problem Resolution to your firm’s offering is a great way for Enrolled Agents, CPAs, and Tax Attorneys to increase year-round income. When you’re a tax problem solving expert, you perform high value services that immensely help people.
Where do I find people and businesses with tax problems?
The best way to find tax problem cases is by using tax lien filings. When an IRS federal tax lien is filed in court, the tax situation has reached a point where inaction is no longer a possibility. It’s only a matter of time before wage garnishments and bank levies force the taxpayer to confront their IRS problem. This is precisely the moment when potential clients are seeking your services.
What’s the best way to connect with tax lien recipients?
Direct mail marketing. This is a well known fact by national tax resolution companies. Individuals and businesses that have a lien filed against their assets can expect a mailbox full of ads for services. Often located in Los Angeles or Denver, these companies work by the principle of large numbers; They send out a thousand letters to close one sale. They spend millions on television ads. They call taxpayers using high pressure salespeople.
How can my local tax practice beat these national firms?
It’s not as hard as it sounds! You have three major advantages:
1. You’re local, so you can close the deal in person.
2. You’ll perform better quality work than most of the big firms.
3. You’ll have very few other local professionals targeting your potential client. In certain areas, you will have no local competitors!